"Cada um sabe a dor e a delícia de ser o que é. / Each one knows the pain and the delight of being what they are." (Caetano Veloso)

" [Ei-mi] "

" [Ei-mi] "
These are my eyes...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Ample opportunities

This influence arouses your sexual drives and makes you seek a physical relationship with another person, if you do not already have one. It favors an existing relationship, for both of you will be able to give and receive from each other and thereby gain gratification through the relationship. Entertainment and fun are two key themes of this time, which favors get-togethers and parties. You will get the greatest personal satisfaction from associating with others and having a good time. You will enjoy any activity much more if you can share it with others, for this is a very gregarious influence. This is a good time for artistic activity, as well as for getting together with others for artistic purposes. This influence should present you with ample opportunities to fulfill both needs.
PS: Wow... yeap-yeap... getting artistic ! ;p

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